First Time Attendees
Calming First Time Nerves
- Writers’ conferences can be overwhelming and intimidating for first time attendees. The ACFW Conference has a program designed to help you get the most out of the conference. Here’s what to expect if you choose to participate:
- An email loop will be set up for individuals who opt into it – Here you’ll learn all the details about what to expect and how to prepare. Conference veterans will help calm your nerves and concerns.
- At the conference, there will be a first-time attendees orientation Thursday at 2:00 pm, tentatively, before the official “opening” of conference. This session is designed not only to orient you to the conference but also help you meet others, all while having some fun.
- Does this sound like the type of help you could use? If so, please be sure to mark YES next to New Attendee Orientation on your registration form.
- One thing you can begin prior to registration is research who you would like to request an appointment with. This year, each agent, editor, or mentor conducting appointments specified exactly what they’d like to see or hear from you at the appointment. Begin looking over the appointment listings so you may be best prepared.
If, during your registration, you indicate this is your first time attending the ACFW conference, you will automatically be signed up for the 1st timers e-loop. You will need to confirm your enrollment in the loop!
The 1st timers loop will begin passing along information and sharing of details mid-July!
Participation of an individual presenter, agent, editor, or publisher in the ACFW conference does not constitute endorsement by ACFW. Conference attendees are advised to use due diligence and take personal responsibility when choosing industry professionals with whom to schedule appointments or enter into agreement.