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June 2011

Q & A With Carrie

What are you reading now?
I just finished reading Susie Warren’s newest novel, My Foolish Heart, and loved that! She is an amazing writer and teacher. Next up is Meg Moseley’s debut novel, When Sparrows Fall. I am about one fourth of the way in and totally captured.

Any Bible verse that is particularly special to you?
He gives me so many wonderful promises in His word. Here is one I love. “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I will say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him’” (Lamentations 3:22 – 24).

How do you recharge and relax?
I love to take walks around the small lake near our home and spend time in my flower gardens. I enjoy lunches out with girlfriends and writing getaways with some of special author friends. My husband and I like traveling and spending time with our young adult children and three grandchildren.

Learn more at Carrie’s Web site.

A Few Moments With . . . Carrie Turansky

At times the publishing world seems to move with the pace of a glacier; at other times it’s an ocean wave moving with lightning speed. E-publishing is that kind of wave at the moment, and author Carrie Turansky is happy to grab her virtual surfboard and ride it.

Author Carrie TuranskyTuransky is no stranger to the world of publishing. With three novels and five novellas under her belt, and two more novels contracted with Love Inspired, some might think the publishing process would be easier for her.

However, one of Carrie’s books couldn’t find a publishing home. Surrendered Hearts, the sequel to her first novel, Along Came Love, wasn’t long enough for houses that publish trade fiction and had been rejected by other publishers that publish shorter romances. “I love this story,” Turansky said, “and I wanted to make it available for my readers.”

So she hired a freelance editor and a cover designer and, with her husband’s help formatting it, released Surrendered Hearts through Smashwords in April.

Friends’ praise

Turansky’s writing is uplifting—stories of characters facing hardships with determination and integrity.

Friend and fellow author Cathy Gohlke isn’t surprised Turansky’s ebook is doing well.  “Carrie’s writing is uplifting—stories of Book cover for Surrendered Heartscharacters facing hardships with determination and integrity, gifted with gentle romance as they draw nearer the One who loves them best of all,” Gohlke said. “When I’ve finished reading one of Carrie’s books I feel contented and refreshed, better able to once more take up the reins of my own life and writing.”

Author Vickie McDonough agrees. “Carrie’s books are always heart-stirring and emotional. She often writes about people with secrets or those who are emotionally and sometimes physically wounded, who struggle with the issues in their lives. Carrie has dealt with some physical issues in her own life, and that experience enables her to add a realistic flavor to her books. An encouraging faith message is always an important part of her stories.”

Ministry effects her writing

Perhaps that encouraging touch in Turansky’s writing was gleaned throughout her years of ministry off the written page. She has worked in women’s ministry for years, and has encouraged her husband as he serves as a pastor in New Jersey. She also teaches parents nationwide through seminars with the National Center for Biblical Parenting.

Turansky has a unique way of getting to the spiritual guts of a story.

“Carrie has a unique way of getting to the spiritual guts of a story,” said Joyce Hart, Turanky’s agent. “There are good love stories and good research, but the spiritual element of her stories make her books something more.”

Joyce also points to Turansky’s strong work ethic and consistency as something other writers would do well to emulate. “Whether she’s on vacation, or working with her ministries, Carrie has her work submitted on time and often early. She has a busy life, but manages to get her writing done.”

“When I first started writing, I was homeschooling all five children,” Turansky said. “That was a very busy time, but I still wrote most days. I learned to focus my attention and write in the middle of a lot of distractions. Today, all the kids have graduated, but I continue to use the skills I learned in the early days so I can get those contracted books done on time.”

Encouragement for those who wait

“Writing each novel is a challenge and labor of love,” Turansky said. “It doesn’t necessarily get easier the second, third—or tenth—time, but it’s worth the time, energy, and effort.”

Carrie Turansky Web BannerAnd, Turansky notes, publication doesn’t mean no more rejection. “You continue to need patience and perseverance even after you’re published because you sometimes receive rejections, difficult edits, and harsh reviews.”

But the writing life, even with its challenges, is more than worthwhile. “Receiving letters from readers who have been touched by your books is one of the biggest blessings in a writer’s life,” Turansky said. “Knowing God has used your story to help someone on their spiritual journey makes it all worthwhile.”

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