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June 2011

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Vicki Hinze’s Deadly Ties.

ACFW Book Club Review: Deadly Ties

ACFW Book Club ImageTitle: Deadly Ties
Author: Vicki Hinze
Publisher: Waterbrook Multnomah
Date: February 2011
ISBN: #978-1601422064
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Reviewed by: Nora St. Laurent

In July, the ACFW Book Club will read two books. One of them is Deadly Ties by Vicki Hinze. Join now to read this book with Nora St. Laurent and other book club members.

Hinze captured my attention, heart, and emotions in this fascinating tale of pain, healing, forgiveness, and second chances.

I liked Forget Me Not, the first book in this series and looked forward to receiving a review copy of Deadly Ties. Hinze pens a powerful, suspenseful, nail biting tale I couldn’t tear my eyes from.

This book reminded me of a 007, “Bond. James Bond.” movie. Nina – Nihilists in Anarchy is a bad international organization whose members were dedicated to making money any way they saw fit. Nina operatives would do whatever to whomever if the price were right.

Deadly TiesA horrific crime shatters Lisa Harper’s idyllic childhood. Her father is dead and her desperate mother, Annie, quickly marries Dutch Hauk, an abusive monster who soon reveals his hatred for Lisa.  To protect her, Annie defies her ruthless husband and forfeits custody to a trusted friend. Enraged, Dutch vows to keep Annie and Lisa apart—and he does.

Mark Taylor is a member of The Shadow Watchers, an elite highly specialized unit to protect the innocents. He and his men are very aware of Nina and were working on bringing it down. Mark was a family friend of Annie and Lisa, but hoped to be more than that to Lisa some day.

As Mark and his team try to protect Lisa, she does what it takes to help bring Nina down from the inside out. Always fighting the memories of the past—memories best left buried—Lisa starts to also battle demons from the present.

Annie is a mom doing what she can to protect her 20-something daughter Lisa, from her abusive husband. Annie, whose idyllic world was forever changed in a flash years ago, is angry with God. Why didn’t He send her a sign, a warning? “I’ve been loyal, obedient,” Annie says. “Why didn’t I get something?”

Deadly Ties is a riveting, suspenseful, action adventure novel with a believable faith-challenging message not only for Hinze’s characters, but for the reader as well. Hinze captured my attention, heart and emotions in this fascinating tale of pain, healing, forgiveness, and second chances.

I enjoyed the colorful characters and the sweet, tender and playful love story woven in the middle of this compelling, powerful drama. I couldn’t put it down. I’m anxiously awaiting the next book in this series.

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